To support others who want to take measurements of swords, here is a template for recording the data. Because there is nothing more disappointing than leaving a museum and suddenly realizing that you forgot to take certain measurements.
To support others who want to take measurements of swords, here is a template for recording the data. Because there is nothing more disappointing than leaving a museum and suddenly realizing that you forgot to take certain measurements.
In this article, a rare 17th century practice rapier from the Berthold Collection in Hamburg is presented
in image and text, together with its measurements. An authentic reconstruction of the blade is made
possible with this data.
Download Report Berthold
In this article, five one-handed swords from the Armoury of the Grandmaster’s Palace in Valletta, Malta, are presented with text, images and detailed measurements. The examined weapons range from the 16th to the 17th century. A precise reconstruction of the blades is made possible with the included measurements. Furthermore, various measured parameters indicate handling characteristics.
Download Report Malta
In this article, four two-handed swords, 14 one-handed swords, one dagger and one rapier blade from the MAM (Martial Arts Museum) in Botticino – the Roberto Gotti collection, are presented with text, images and detailed measurements. The examined weapons range from the 15th to the 17th century. A precise reconstruction of the blades is made possible with the included measurements. Furthermore, various measured parameters indicate handling characteristics.
Download Report Gotti
In this article, 10 one-handed swords from the “Wiener Heeresgeschichtliches Museum (HGM)” are presented with text, images and detailed measurements. The examined weapons range from the 16th to 18th century. A precise reconstruction of the blades is made possible with the included measurements. Furthermore, various measured parameters indicate handling characteristics.
Download Report HGM
In this article, two one-handed swords and five two-handed swords from the “Wiener Bürgerliches Zeughaus are presented with text, images and detailed measurements. The examined weapons are from the 15th to 17th century. A precise reconstruction of the blades is made possible with the included measurements. Furthermore, various measured parameters indicate handling characteristics.
Download Report Bürgerliches Zeughaus
This paper presents a comparison of original period rapiers from 1590-1620 with modern reproductions for historical fencing use. After the definition of relevant parameters follows a description of each weapon with detailed measurements including blade cross section profiles for seven original period rapiers and five modern rapiers. These measurements clearly show, that on average, historical originals are longer, heavier and exhibit a stronger ricasso and forte than modern weapons, which strongly influences handling and therefore the possible style of fencing.
Download A Comparison of Late 16th to Early 17th Century Rapiers with Modern Reproductions